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Reviews and Ratings of SOXHUB

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4.6 (1,629)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




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Ar šis produktas gali mums padėti Izziņojumu/ Pārbaudes vadības procese.?

Ar šis produktas gali mums padėti Pārbaudes panelis?

Ar šis produktas gali mums padėti Pašaizpaušu Piegādes Portāls?

SOXHUB Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.


$0/month. Perfect for solo entrepreneurs and small teams.


$25/month (billed annually) or $30/month (billed monthly). Ideal for growing businesses and teams.



$50/month (billed annually) or $60/month (billed monthly). Suitable for larger businesses and organizations.



$100/month (billed annually) or $120/month (billed monthly). Designed for large businesses and enterprises.


SOXHUB Product Reviews

See the platform from within the latest SOXHUB videos.

What verified reviews from expects say about

Insights from field experts about SOXHUB from first hand.

M. Gomez

I've had a fantastic experience with SoxHub - their intuitive interface and robust compliance features made it seamless to manage our audits and risk assessments, streamlining our workflow and boosting efficiency significantly.

S. Allen

I've been using Soxhub for months and I'm blown away by its efficiency in streamlining compliance tasks, easy navigation, and robust reporting features which have saved me a significant amount of time and reduced errors.

T. Martinez

I'm thoroughly impressed with Soxhubs user-friendly interface and robust features. The streamlined workflow and customizable dashboards made compliance management a breeze for my team. Integration with existing systems was seamless and support was top-notch, resolving issues promptly. This...

R. Torres

I've been blown away by SoxHub's seamless audit management capabilities. The intuitive dashboard and streamlined workflows have significantly reduced our reporting time, allowing us to focus on high-risk areas with precision. The AI-driven insights have also enabled us to identify and addr...

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Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.

Frequently asked questions about SOXHUB

Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.

What is Soxhub?

SoXHUB is a cloud-based platform that helps companies streamline their internal audit, compliance, and risk management processes.

Is Soxhub compliant with SOX regulations?

Yes, Soxhub is designed to help companies comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) requirements and provide a platform for auditing and reporting.

Can I customize Soxhub to fit my company's needs?

Yes, Soxhub offers customization options to tailor the platform to your company's specific audit and compliance processes.

How does Soxhub integrate with other systems?

SoXHUB integrates with a variety of systems, including Excel, SharePoint, and other popular software applications used in auditing and compliance.

What kind of training is available for Soxhub users?

Soxhub offers comprehensive training and support resources to help users get the most out of the platform.

Is Soxhub secure and reliable?

Yes, Soxhub takes security seriously and provides a reliable and scalable platform for companies to manage their audit and compliance processes.

Can I use Soxhub in multiple languages?

Yes, Soxhub is designed to be multilingual and can be used by companies operating globally.

How much does Soxhub cost?

Soxhub pricing varies depending on the specific needs of your company. Please contact us for a customized quote.

What kind of customer support does Soxhub offer?

Soxhub provides 24/7 customer support to help users resolve any issues or questions they may have about the platform.