Steigere die Benutzerbindung und maximiere den Umsatzwachstum mit Taboolas KI-gesteuerter Empfehlungsmotor für eine nahtlose Inhaltsfinanzierung und personalisierte Erfahrungen.
Am adunat toate datele pentru ca tu să nu fii nevoit, luând decizii simple și economisind timp și bani.
Găsiți o caracteristică specifică pe care platforma ar trebui să o aibă pentru a fi potrivită pentru organizația dvs.
For small publishers and personal blogs
Designed for growing publishers with limited ad inventory
Tailored to large publishers and media companies
For the largest publishers and enterprises, custom pricing
最新の Taboola 動画からプラットフォームをご覧ください。
Taboola に関する現場の専門家の直接の洞察。
Acestea sunt alternative din care puteți alege și compara pentru a se alinia cel mai bine intereselor și experienței dumneavoastră.
Găsiți răspunsuri la cele mai relevante întrebări pentru a putea lua decizii imediat.
Taboola is a discovery platform that helps publishers and media companies maximize their revenue by increasing user engagement through personalized content recommendations.
Taboola uses AI-powered algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences, then recommends relevant content from various sources, such as articles, videos, or products, to increase user engagement and revenue for publishers.
You can recommend a wide range of content types, including articles, videos, podcasts, social media posts, and even products from online retailers, all in a seamless and non-intrusive way that complements your existing editorial content.
Yes, Taboola's platform is designed to be highly flexible and adaptable to various website and mobile app configurations. Our team will work closely with you to ensure a smooth integration process that meets your specific needs.
Yes, we offer a range of customization options to match our recommendations with your brand's visual identity. This includes logo placement, color schemes, and design templates that can be tailored to fit your unique style.
Our platform provides comprehensive analytics and insights into user engagement, click-through rates, and revenue generated from our recommendations. This data is accessible through our dashboard, enabling you to make informed decisions about your content strategy.
Yes, we take the security of your data seriously. Our platform adheres to strict data protection protocols and complies with industry standards such as GDPR, CCPA, and more. We also maintain transparent data sharing practices with our partners.
Algoritmul nostru avansat va găsi cea mai bună soluție pentru nevoile dvs. și va filtra pentru dvs. toate prostiile și noutățile de marketing