Облегчите процесс от дизайна до производства с помощью Lytho Workflow - облачного платформы, которая автоматизирует процессы, увеличивает эффективность и уменьшает ошибки для профессионалов печати и упаковки.
Мы собрали все данные, чтобы вам не пришлось этого делать, упрощая принятие решений и экономя ваше время и деньги.
Найдите определенную функцию, которая должна быть у платформы, чтобы она идеально подходила для вашей организации.
Узнайте, какой тарифный план вам подходит лучше всего.
1 concurrent user, 100MB storage
5 concurrent users, 500MB storage
20 concurrent users, 2GB storage
Custom concurrent user count, 10GB storage
Посмотрите на платформу в последних видео Lytho Workflow.
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Lytho Workflow is a cloud-based workflow automation platform that helps teams streamline their design, production, and approval processes.
Yes, Lytho Workflow integrates seamlessly with popular design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud, Illustrator, and Photoshop, as well as other cloud-based platforms.
Lytho Workflow enables real-time commenting and feedback, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page. It also provides a centralized hub for sharing files and tracking progress.
Yes, Lytho Workflow allows you to automate repetitive tasks, such as file formatting, naming conventions, and even sending notifications to team members.
Lytho Workflow takes security and compliance seriously. It meets the highest industry standards for data protection and is GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA-compliant.
With Lytho Workflow, you can set up custom workflows to ensure that all files meet specific quality standards. It also provides real-time feedback and alerts when issues arise.
Yes, Lytho Workflow is highly customizable. You can tailor workflows to fit your team's specific needs and requirements.
Lytho Workflow provides 24/7 customer support via email, phone, or chat. They also have an extensive knowledge base and community forums for self-help resources.
To get started, simply sign up for a free trial on the Lytho Workflow website. Their onboarding process is designed to be quick and easy, getting you up and running in no time.
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