SolidWorks Premium on voimakas CAD-ohjelma kolmiulotteisen muotoilun ja insinöörimuotoilun tarpeisiin. Se tarjoaa edistyneitä työkaluja tehokkaalle tuotelukselle, mahdollistaen tarkat, innovaatioita tarvitsevat ratkaisut teollisuuden menestystä varten.
Мы собрали все данные, чтобы вам не пришлось этого делать, упрощая принятие решений и экономя ваше время и деньги.
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Ota selvää, mikä hinnoittelusuunnitelma sopii sinulle parhaiten.
Single user license for SolidWorks Premium software
Single user license for SolidWorks Premium and eDrawings software
Subscription-based access to SolidWorks Premium software per year
Multi-user license for SolidWorks Premium software, available in term lengths of 12 months
Multi-user license for SolidWorks Premium software, available in term lengths of 12 months
Multi-user license for SolidWorks Premium software, available in term lengths of 12 months
Multi-user license for SolidWorks Premium software, available in term lengths of 12 months
Katso alusta uusimmasta SolidWorks Premium videosta.
Alan asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä aiheesta SolidWorks Premium omakohtaisesti.
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Найдите ответы на самые релевантные запросы, чтобы иметь возможность принимать решения немедленно.
SolidWorks Premium is a powerful 3D CAD software that offers advanced features and tools for product design, analysis, and simulation.
Yes, SolidWorks Premium allows you to create complex assemblies with ease, including mates, joints, and other dependencies.
Yes, SolidWorks Premium includes advanced simulation capabilities such as static stress analysis, dynamic stress analysis, and thermal analysis.
Yes, SolidWorks Premium supports importing and exporting data from a wide range of CAD software, including CATIA, Pro/ENGINEER, and NX.
Yes, SolidWorks Premium is fully compatible with Windows 10, as well as other supported operating systems.
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