Potlačte vzdialenú podporu IT s pomocou ConnectWise Control, bezpečné a ľahké použitie na zdieľanie obrazovky a prístup k zdalnému systému pre zlepšenie produktivity a spokojnosti klienta.
Zhromaždili sme všetky údaje, takže to nemusíte robiť vy, zjednodušujeme rozhodnutia a šetríme vám čas a peniaze.
Nájdite špecifickú funkciu, ktorú by platforma mala mať, aby sa skvele hodila pre vašu organizáciu.
Zistite, ktorý cenový plán je pre vás najvhodnejší.
For up to 5 computers. Limited features.
For up to 25 computers.
For up to 50 computers.
For up to 100 computers.
For more than 100 computers.
Štatistiky od odborníkov v teréne o ConnectWise Control z prvej ruky.
Toto sú alternatívy, z ktorých si môžete vybrať a porovnať tak, aby čo najlepšie zodpovedali vašim záujmom a odbornosti.
Nájdite odpovede na najrelevantnejšie otázky, aby ste sa mohli okamžite rozhodnúť.
ConnectWise Control is a remote desktop and support software that allows technical professionals to remotely access and control computers, providing real-time support and assistance.
ConnectWise Control uses military-grade encryption (256-bit AES) to ensure all remote sessions are secure and private. Additionally, all data is transmitted over a dedicated, encrypted connection for added security.
Yes, ConnectWise Control supports Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Chrome OS, allowing you to remotely access and control devices across various operating systems.
ConnectWise Control provides a range of features specifically designed for technical support, including remote desktop access, screen sharing, file transfer, and more.
You can easily integrate ConnectWise Control with popular help desk software such as ConnectWise, Autotask, or Freshdesk using our API or pre-built integrations.
ConnectWise Control offers 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and chat. Our dedicated support team is always available to help resolve any issues or answer questions you may have.
Yes, we offer a free 30-day trial of ConnectWise Control that allows you to test our features and capabilities without committing to a purchase.
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