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Перетворіть свої фото з допомогою вдосконалених редакційних інструментів, фільтрів та ефектів Fotor. Спокійно виконуйте косметичний ремонт, змінюйте розмір і підвищуєте якість зображень зі спрощеним інтерфейсом користування.


Відгуки та оцінки Fotor

Zhromaždili sme všetky údaje, takže to nemusíte robiť vy, zjednodušujeme rozhodnutia a šetríme vám čas a peniaze.

3.8 (1,552)





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Чи може цей продукт допомогти нам із Cerca/Filtrizza?

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Fotor тарифні плани

Дізнайтеся, який тарифний план вам найкраще підходить.


Essential photo editing features


Advanced photo editing features and effects


Що очікується від підтверджених відгуків про

Інформація експертів про Fotor з перших вуст.

T. Garcia

I've had an excellent experience with Fotor, their AI-powered editing tools have saved me hours of time and delivered stunning results every time, perfect for social media or personal projects!

M. Jones

I've been using Fotor for photo editing and it's exceeded my expectations. The intuitive interface makes it easy to access a wide range of tools and filters. I appreciate how quickly I can enhance and touch up my photos with their advanced features like HDR and noise reduction. Overall, a ...

W. Clark

I was really disappointed with my experience using Fotor. The software promised to be an all-in-one photo editing and design solution but it failed to deliver on several fronts. The interface is cluttered and confusing, making it difficult to find the tools I needed. The filters and effect...

S. Harris

I was really disappointed with Fotor's photo editing capabilities. The filters were overly saturated and lacked finesse. Attempting to make subtle adjustments resulted in awkward color shifts. The software's user interface was cluttered and confusing, making it difficult to navigate. I was...

E. Hernandez

I'm extremely disappointed with Fotor's photo editing capabilities. Despite its user-friendly interface, I found it to be limited in terms of advanced features and tools. The software struggled to deliver decent results when applying filters or adjustments, often resulting in over-processe...

J. Parker

I was thoroughly disappointed with Fotor's inability to deliver on its promises of easy photo editing. The interface was cluttered and unintuitive, while the effects were overhyped and often resulted in low-quality outputs that ruined my original images.

S. Robinson

I'm thoroughly impressed with Fotor's user-friendly interface and robust editing features! The photo enhancement tools were incredibly effective in refining my images. The AI-powered adjustments took care of even the most subtle details, giving my photos a professional touch. Plus, exporti...

Альтернативи Fotor, які ви можете розглянути та порівняти

Toto sú alternatívy, z ktorých si môžete vybrať a porovnať tak, aby čo najlepšie zodpovedali vašim záujmom a odbornosti.

Часті запитання про Fotor

Nájdite odpovede na najrelevantnejšie otázky, aby ste sa mohli okamžite rozhodnúť.

What is Fotor?

Fotor is a free online photo editing software that allows users to edit and enhance their photos using a variety of tools and effects.

Is Fotor safe to use?

Yes, Fotor is completely safe to use. It does not require any downloads or installations, and it does not collect or store any user data.

What kind of editing tools does Fotor offer?

Fotor offers a wide range of editing tools, including adjustments for brightness, contrast, and color balance, as well as effects such as filters, textures, and overlays.

Can I use Fotor on my mobile device?

Yes, Fotor is available as a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. It can also be accessed through the web browser on your smartphone or tablet.

How do I upload photos to Fotor?

You can upload photos from your computer or mobile device to Fotor by clicking on the 'Upload' button and selecting the photo you want to edit.

Can I save my edited photos as JPEGs or PNGs?

Yes, Fotor allows you to save your edited photos in various formats, including JPEG, PNG, and others. You can also download your edited photos directly to your computer or mobile device.

Does Fotor offer any tutorials or guides for beginners?

Yes, Fotor offers a range of tutorials and guides to help beginners get started with photo editing. You can find these resources in the 'Help' section of the website.

Is there a limit on how many photos I can edit with Fotor?

No, there is no limit on how many photos you can edit with Fotor. However, please note that Fotor is intended for personal use only, and commercial or bulk editing may be subject to certain restrictions.

Dobrý deň, čo potrebujete?

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Potrebujem softvér zubnej ambulancie na spracovanie, rezervácie a platby...

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