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Simplifycarea recrutării cu plataforma de recrutare unică NiceJob, automatizând task-uri, urmărind candidații și măsurând impactul brandului angajator prin date privite.

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4.8 (574)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




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NiceJob Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.


Ideal for small businesses and teams just starting out.



Designed for growing businesses that need to track candidate experiences.



Built for large enterprises that need advanced features and support.


NiceJob Product Reviews

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What verified reviews from expects say about

Insights from field experts about NiceJob from first hand.

J. Martinez

I've experienced significant time savings and improved candidate selection with NiceJob's streamlined hiring process. The platform's ease of use and comprehensive features have simplified our recruitment efforts, allowing us to focus on growth and development.

D. Scott

I've had a fantastic experience with NiceJob. Their applicant tracking system has streamlined our hiring process, allowing us to focus on finding top talent while saving valuable time. The user-friendly interface and customizable workflows have been a game-changer for our team, enabling us...

K. Wright

I've had an exceptional experience with NiceJob. The onboarding process was seamless, and their team provided top-notch support every step of the way. I appreciate how intuitive the platform is - even those with limited technical expertise can quickly navigate its features. The customizabi...

K. Brooks

"I've had the chance to try out NiceJob and I'm thoroughly impressed with its user-friendly interface and robust features. It's streamlined my hiring process and provided valuable insights, saving me time and resources - a real game-changer!"

P. Taylor

I've had the pleasure of using NiceJob's recruiting software and I must say it's been a game-changer for our hiring process. The interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate even for non-technical team members. The pre-screening templates helped us quickly identify top cand...

C. Parker

I've been blown away by NiceJob's user-friendly interface and seamless onboarding process. The automated hiring workflows have streamlined my recruitment tasks, saving me a significant amount of time and effort. The analytics dashboard provides valuable insights into candidate behavior, en...

G. Torres

I was really excited to try out NiceJob's hiring platform, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The user interface is clunky and not very intuitive - I spent way too much time trying to figure out how to create a new job posting. And don't even get me started on the applica...

NiceJob is best fit for these top industries


Програмни системи за управление на имота, гостоприимно обслужване и брояне на заетост. Увелишени решения за управлението на резервации, управлението на съоръженията и подобряване на гостоприемството. Ключови инструменти за сместените и приятни гости услуги.


Административно софтуерно осигуряване за управление на задължения, обслужване на документи и комуникация. Високи решения за организиране на протоколи, следене на прогрес и подобряване на ефективността. Основни инструменти за гладко и ефективно административно обслужване.


Софтуер за управление на кампании, анализиране на аудиторията и сътрудничество в област на творческите умения. Напредни решения за планиране на кампании, следене на ефективността и изготвяне на съдържание. Основни инструменти за въздействащи и успешни рекламни усилия.

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Toto sú alternatívy, z ktorých si môžete vybrať a porovnať tak, aby čo najlepšie zodpovedali vašim záujmom a odbornosti.

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Frequently asked questions about NiceJob

Nájdite odpovede na najrelevantnejšie otázky, aby ste sa mohli okamžite rozhodnúť.

What is NiceJob?

NiceJob is a recruitment marketing platform that helps businesses attract and hire the best talent by showcasing their employer brand and employee experience.

How does NiceJob improve my candidate sourcing process?

NiceJob's platform allows you to showcase your employer brand, share employee-generated content, and provide a seamless hiring experience for candidates. This helps attract higher-quality applicants and reduces time-to-hire.

Can I customize the NiceJob platform to fit my company's branding?

Yes, NiceJob allows you to fully brand your recruitment website, including custom domains, logos, and color schemes. This ensures a seamless experience for candidates and reinforces your employer brand.

What types of content can I publish on the NiceJob platform?

You can publish various types of content, such as job descriptions, employee testimonials, company news, and events. This helps create a comprehensive view of your employer brand and attracts potential candidates.

How do you ensure candidate data security and compliance?

NiceJob takes data security and compliance seriously. Our platform is built with enterprise-grade security measures, including GDPR and CCPA compliance, to protect sensitive candidate information.

Can I integrate NiceJob with my existing HR systems?

Yes, NiceJob integrates seamlessly with popular HR systems like Workday, BambooHR, and others. This ensures a smooth flow of data between your HR system and the NiceJob platform.

What kind of analytics and insights does NiceJob provide?

NiceJob provides actionable analytics and insights on candidate behavior, application rates, and time-to-hire. These metrics help you optimize your recruitment strategy and improve hiring outcomes.

Is NiceJob available as a cloud-based solution?

Yes, NiceJob is a cloud-based platform that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time. This allows for flexible management of the recruitment process while ensuring enterprise-grade security and reliability.

What kind of support does NiceJob offer to its clients?

NiceJob provides dedicated customer support to help you get the most out of their platform. Our team is available via email, phone, or in-app messaging to address any questions or concerns you may have.

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