Pristupuj, sdílejte a spolupracujte na súboroch z akéhokoľvek miesta s bezpečným cloudborným úložiskom OneDrive. Ukladaj fotky, videozáznamy a dokumenty v jednom mieste pre ľahký prístup.
Zhromaždili sme všetky údaje, takže to nemusíte robiť vy, zjednodušujeme rozhodnutia a šetríme vám čas a peniaze.
Nájdite špecifickú funkciu, ktorú by platforma mala mať, aby sa skvele hodila pre vašu organizáciu.
Zistite, ktorý cenový plán je pre vás najvhodnejší.
5 GB of storage for free
Get 50 GB of storage
Get 1 TB of storage
Get 5 TB of storage
Get 1 TB of storage per user
Get 1 TB of storage per user, with annual billing
Pozrite si platformu z najnovších videí OneDrive.
Štatistiky od odborníkov v teréne o OneDrive z prvej ruky.
Toto sú alternatívy, z ktorých si môžete vybrať a porovnať tak, aby čo najlepšie zodpovedali vašim záujmom a odbornosti.
Nájdite odpovede na najrelevantnejšie otázky, aby ste sa mohli okamžite rozhodnúť.
OneDrive is a cloud storage service that allows you to store, access, and share files across all your devices.
You can upload files to OneDrive from the OneDrive website or through the OneDrive mobile app. Simply select the files you want to upload, and they will be synced to your OneDrive account.
The free version of OneDrive comes with 5 GB of storage space. You can upgrade to more storage by purchasing a subscription or using other Microsoft services like Office 365.
Yes, you can share files and folders with others in OneDrive. Simply select the file or folder you want to share, click on 'Share', and enter the email addresses of the people you want to share it with.
Yes, your data is encrypted in transit and at rest. OneDrive also uses 2-factor authentication and other security measures to protect your account.
Yes, you can access your OneDrive files offline by syncing them to your device using the OneDrive app. This allows you to view and edit your files even when you don't have an internet connection.
You can use OneDrive on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and other platforms. The OneDrive app is available for download from the Microsoft website or from the app stores of your device's operating system.
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