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Ticket Tailor

Simplifyificați vânzarea de bilete pentru evenimente cu plătforma Ticket Tailor de toate într-una. Administrați biletele, spațiile și participanții în același loc, făcând organizarea evenimentelor o plăcere.


Ticket Tailor のレビューと評価

Zhromaždili sme všetky údaje, takže to nemusíte robiť vy, zjednodušujeme rozhodnutia a šetríme vám čas a peniaze.

4.7 (1,253)











Nájsť funkcie dôležité pre rozhodovanie

Nájdite špecifickú funkciu, ktorú by platforma mala mať, aby sa skvele hodila pre vašu organizáciu.

Môže nám tento produkt pomôcť s Данни за Импорт/Изкспорт?

Môže nám tento produkt pomôcť s Мобилен достъп?

Môže nám tento produkt pomôcť s Поканили форми?

Môže nám tento produkt pomôcť s Извеждане/Аналитика?

Ticket Tailor 料金プラン



Perfect for small events and one-off ticket sales.


Ideal for regular events, online conferences and festivals.



Best for large-scale events, marathons and sporting tournaments.


Ticket Tailor 製品レビュー

最新の Ticket Tailor 動画からプラットフォームをご覧ください。

Ticket Tailor に関する期待される検証済みレビューの内容

Ticket Tailor に関する現場の専門家の直接の洞察。

T. Johnson

I've used Ticket Tailor to manage events and I'm impressed with its ease of use and flexibility. The ticketing system is seamless, and customer support is responsive. A reliable choice for event organizers!

R. Wilson

I was thoroughly disappointed with Ticket Tailor's event ticketing platform - frustrating interface, limited customization options, and numerous technical issues plagued my experience, ultimately resulting in lost sales and wasted time.

H. Ramos

I've had an excellent experience with Ticket Tailor. The user interface is incredibly intuitive and easy to navigate, making ticket sales a seamless process. Their customer support team is also very responsive and helpful when needed.

H. Lee

I've been using Ticket Tailor for all our events and it's been a game changer. The interface is so intuitive, making ticket sales and event management a breeze. I love how easily I can customize tickets, manage RSVPs, and track finances. The customer support has also been fantastic wheneve...

Ticket Tailor はこれらのトップ業界に最適です


Програмна продукция за забавен бизнес за управление на атракциите, билетаж и обслужване на клиенти. Развителски решения за организиране на събития, управление на резервации и подобряване на посещателските изпитания. Основни инструменти за гладка и удовлетворяваща работа на забавен бизнес.


Програмни продукти за индустрията на изкуствата за управление на проекти, съвместна творческа работа и енджагмент с публиката. Ръководещи решения за организиране на изложения, управление на портфолио и връзка с аудиторията. Вярани от художници и галерии за подпомагане на творчески проекти и разширение на достъпността.


Софтуер за индустрията на забавите за създаване на съдържание, управление на събития и ангажиране с публиката. Развити решения за производство на медиа, организиране на представления и отслежване на интеракциите на зрителите. Основни инструменти за динамични и успешни забавителни операции.

Ticket Tailor の代替案を検討して比較することができます

Toto sú alternatívy, z ktorých si môžete vybrať a porovnať tak, aby čo najlepšie zodpovedali vašim záujmom a odbornosti.

Ticket Tailor に関するよくある質問

Nájdite odpovede na najrelevantnejšie otázky, aby ste sa mohli okamžite rozhodnúť.

What is Ticket Tailor?

Ticket Tailor is a ticketing and box office system designed for event organizers, making it easy to sell tickets online and manage events.

How do I create an event in Ticket Tailor?

To create an event, simply log in to your account, click on 'Events', then 'Add New Event' and fill out the required details such as event name, date, and tickets prices.

Can I customize my ticket types?

Yes, with Ticket Tailor you can create multiple ticket types for your events, including standard tickets, VIP tickets, and more. You can also set different prices and availability for each type.

How do I track ticket sales and revenue in Ticket Tailor?

Ticket Tailor provides a detailed dashboard where you can view ticket sales, revenue, and attendee numbers for your events. This helps you monitor performance and make informed decisions.

Can I integrate Ticket Tailor with other tools and platforms?

Yes, Ticket Tailor integrates with various third-party services such as social media, email marketing tools, and more. You can also connect your Stripe or PayPal accounts for secure payment processing.

What kind of support does Ticket Tailor offer?

Ticket Tailor provides comprehensive customer support via phone, email, and live chat. They also have a detailed knowledge base with articles and guides to help you get started.

Is my data secure in Ticket Tailor?

Yes, Ticket Tailor prioritizes security and uses industry-standard encryption (HTTPS) to protect your event details and attendee data. They also comply with relevant regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.

Can I use Ticket Tailor for free?

Ticket Tailor offers a free trial period, but their basic plan starts at a competitive price point. You can also upgrade to higher plans depending on your event needs and requirements.

How do I refund or cancel tickets in Ticket Tailor?

To refund or cancel tickets, navigate to the 'Tickets' section of your event dashboard, select the ticket type you want to manage, then click on 'Refund' or 'Cancel'. Follow the prompts to complete the process.

Can I export my event data from Ticket Tailor?

Yes, Ticket Tailor allows you to export your event data into CSV or Excel format. This can be useful for further analysis, reporting, or sharing with partners and stakeholders.

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