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Zapier automatizează fluxurile de lucru ale aplicațiilor cu ușurință, economisind timp și îmbunătățind productivitatea prin integrări liniare fără cod.


Vélemények és értékelések erről: Zapier

Zhromaždili sme všetky údaje, takže to nemusíte robiť vy, zjednodušujeme rozhodnutia a šetríme vám čas a peniaze.

4.5 (4,443)





Érték arány


Ease of Use




Nájsť funkcie dôležité pre rozhodovanie

Nájdite špecifickú funkciu, ktorú by platforma mala mať, aby sa skvele hodila pre vašu organizáciu.

Acest produs ne poate ajuta cu Údaje Import/Export?

Acest produs ne poate ajuta cu Úmyselné pracovné prostriedlá?

Acest produs ne poate ajuta cu Vozovka?

Acest produs ne poate ajuta cu Náhodnosť/Auditovanie?

Zapier árképzési terv

Nézze meg, melyik árazási terv a legmegfelelőbb az Ön számára.


Up to 100 tasks per month. See all triggers and actions for free.


Everything in Free, plus up to 750 tasks per month.



Everything in Starter, plus Zapier's full feature set and up to 2,000 tasks per month.



Everything in Pro, plus user management and up to 5,000 tasks per month.


Zapier termékértékelés

Tekintse meg a platformot a legújabb Zapier videóból.

Mit mondanak az elvárásoktól származó ellenőrzött vélemények a következőről:

Területi szakértők tapasztalatai a(z) Zapier termékről első kézből.

D. Chapman

I'm thoroughly impressed with Zapier's seamless automation capabilities. The user-friendly interface and vast app integrations saved me hours of tedious data entry work, allowing me to focus on high-leverage tasks and grow my business efficiently. Highly recommended!

S. Smith

I've been using Zapier for my online business and I'm extremely disappointed with its limitations. Despite the initial ease of use, setting up complex workflows became a nightmare due to lackluster documentation and clunky interface. Multiple zaps have gone down without explanation or noti...

R. Lewis

I've been using Zapier to automate workflows and it's been a game-changer. The platform is incredibly user-friendly, even for someone like me who's not tech-savvy. Connecting different apps was surprisingly easy, and their customer support is top-notch. The time-saving benefits have allowe...

M. Brown

I was really disappointed with Zapier's promise of automating tasks across different apps. The setup process was clunky and required way too much technical expertise than advertised. I struggled to connect my social media and email accounts, wasting hours trying to troubleshoot issues that...

T. Kelly

I've been using Zapier for my small business and it's been a game-changer. Automating tasks and integrating various apps has saved me so much time and increased productivity. The user interface is intuitive and the support team is top-notch. I've connected multiple services, including Goog...

A(z) Zapier alternatívái, amelyeket fontolóra vehet és összehasonlíthat

Toto sú alternatívy, z ktorých si môžete vybrať a porovnať tak, aby čo najlepšie zodpovedali vašim záujmom a odbornosti.

Gyakran ismételt kérdések a következővel kapcsolatban: Zapier

Nájdite odpovede na najrelevantnejšie otázky, aby ste sa mohli okamžite rozhodnúť.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that helps you connect different apps and services, allowing you to automate tasks without any coding knowledge.

How does Zapier work?

Zapier works by creating a 'zap', which is essentially a custom-made workflow that connects two or more apps. When triggered, the zap will perform the specified actions in each app.

What types of triggers and actions are available on Zapier?

Zapier offers over 1,000+ triggers and actions across various categories, including social media, productivity, e-commerce, marketing, and more. You can browse the full list on the Zapier website.

Is my data secure when using Zapier?

Yes, Zapier takes security seriously and adheres to industry-standard protocols for encryption and data protection. Your data is stored securely in our servers, and you can control access with permissions and account management.

Can I use Zapier for free?

Yes, Zapier offers a free plan that allows up to 100 zaps per month, making it perfect for small projects or personal use. Paid plans offer more features and increased limits as you scale your automation needs.

How do I create a new zap on Zapier?

To create a new zap, log in to your Zapier account, click the 'Make a Zap' button, choose a trigger app, select an action app, and customize the workflow as needed. You can also browse pre-made zaps or ask our community for help.

Can I use Zapier with my custom API?

Yes, Zapier supports custom APIs via HTTP triggers and actions. This allows you to integrate your own application with Zapier's ecosystem of over 1,000+ apps.

What is the difference between a 'zap' and an 'app' on Zapier?

A zap is a custom-made workflow that connects two or more apps, while an app refers to a specific service or platform (e.g., Google Sheets, Mailchimp, etc.) that you can integrate with Zapier.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my zaps on Zapier?

To troubleshoot issues, check the Zapier help center for common problems and solutions. If needed, reach out to our support team or join the community forums for further assistance.

Dobrý deň, čo potrebujete?

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Platforma auditu s integrovaným učením a správou zásob...

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