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Bigin by Zoho CRM vs Doctoralia Pro
Features Comparison

Discover how Bigin by Zoho CRM and Doctoralia Pro compare to each other by their features



Activity Dashboard

Activity Tracking

Appointment Management

Audience Targeting

Calendar Management

Campaign Management

Candidate Profiles

Case Management


Client Management

Client Portal

Collaboration Tools

Communication Management

Contact Database

Contact Management

Customizable Reports

Data Import/Export

Document Management

Eligibility Verification

Email Management

Email Marketing

HIPAA Compliant

Landing Pages/Web Forms

Lead Management

Lead Qualification

Marketing Automation

Medical History Records

Mobile Access

Patient Records Management

Payment Processing

Predictive Analytics


Referral Management

Referral Tracking


Reporting & Statistics


Sales Pipeline Management

Sales Reports


Surveys & Feedback

Task Management

Third-Party Integration

Third-Party Integrations

Treatment Planning

Workflow Management

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