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Clip Studio Paint

Wyzwól swoje artystyczne możliwości z pomocą Clip Studio Paint, potężnego programu do cyfrowego malowania i komiksowego ilustrowania, który oferuje elastyczność i kreatywność dla artystów wszystkich poziomów.


Recenzje i oceny Clip Studio Paint

Zbrali smo vse podatke, da vam tega ni treba, zaradi česar so odločitve preproste in vam prihranijo čas in denar.

4.5 (119)





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Łatwość użytkowania




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Plany cenowe Clip Studio Paint

Dowiedz się, który plan cenowy jest dla Ciebie najlepszy.

Student Edition

Free version with limited features for students

Standard Edition

The standard version of the software with all features


Pro Edition

The professional version with additional features and export options


Exhibition Bundle (1 Year)

A bundle that includes a 1-year subscription to the exhibition service


Pro Edition + Exhibition Bundle (1 Year)

A bundle that includes the professional version and a 1-year subscription to the exhibition service


Co zweryfikowane recenzje od osób spodziewających się mówią o
Clip Studio Paint

Wnioski od ekspertów branżowych na temat Clip Studio Paint z pierwszego hand.

S. Allen

I've been thoroughly impressed with Clip Studio Paint's versatility and user-friendly interface it's made creating comics and illustrations a breeze for me, with seamless integration of features like tone mapping and layering I highly recommend this software to fellow artists.

R. Lewis

I've had an absolute blast using Clip Studio Paint - its intuitive interface and vast feature set have made creating comics and illustrations a joy! The toning tools are game-changing and I love how seamless it is to switch between drawing and editing modes. Highly recommended!

C. Jones

I've been using Clip Studio Paint for months now and it's absolutely transformed my digital art workflow. The intuitive interface makes it a breeze to get started, even for beginners like me. The extensive library of brushes and tones is incredibly detailed and allows for a level of custom...

L. Wilson

I've had the misfortune of using Clip Studio Paint for an extended period, and I must say it's been a frustrating experience. The software promises to revolutionize digital painting, but in reality, it falls short on several fronts. The interface is cluttered, making it difficult to naviga...

F. Sanchez

I've been using Clip Studio Paint for a few months now and I'm thoroughly impressed. The software's intuitive interface made it easy to transition from traditional drawing methods to digital art. The wide range of brushes and tones allowed me to achieve the desired look for my illustration...

Clip Studio Paint najlepiej pasuje do tych głównych branż


Σε λογισμικό βιομηχανίας διαφήμισης για την διαχείριση εκστρατειών, ανάλυση κοινού και συνεργασία δημιουργίας. Εξελιχμένα λύσεις για την Planning εκστρατειών, παρακολούθηση απόδοσης και σχεδιασμός περιεχομένου. Βασικές εργαλεία για μείζονες και επιτυχημένες προσπάθειες διαφήμισης.


Πακέτα λογισμικού για την βιομηχανία των τεχνών για διαχείριση έργων, συνεργασία και ερεθισμό του κοινού. Λύσεις που διευκολύνουν την οργάνωση εκθέσεων, τη διαχείριση πορτρέων και την σύνδεση με το κοινό. Βαρύτατα από καλλιτέχνες και γκαλερί για υποστήριξη κREATIKΩΝ پروژهών και επέκταση του εμβαδού τους.


Πακέτα λογισμικού για την industria του διαψηφίσματος και κατεργασίας περιεχομένου, η διοργανωση εκδηλώσεων και η σύνδεση με το κοινό. Εξελιγμένα λύσεις για τη παραγωγή ενημέρωσης, οργάνωση των σόου και παρακολούθηση των βίντεο ανταλλαγμένων από το κοινό. Κλειστά εργαλεία για την υλοποίηση dynamic and επιτυχημένων δραστηριοτήτων διαψήφισμα.

Alternatywy dla Clip Studio Paint, które możesz rozważyć i porównać

To so alternative, med katerimi lahko izbirate in jih primerjate, da se najbolje uskladijo z vašimi interesi in strokovnim področjem.

Często zadawane pytania dotyczące Clip Studio Paint

Poiščite odgovore na najustreznejše poizvedbe, da se boste lahko takoj odločili.

What is Clip Studio Paint?

Clip Studio Paint is a digital painting and comic illustration software that allows users to create professional-grade artwork with ease.

Is Clip Studio Paint free to use?

No, Clip Studio Paint has a free trial version available for download, but the full version requires a one-time purchase or subscription fee. However, there are also some free and open-source alternatives available.

What file formats does Clip Studio Paint support?

Clip Studio Paint supports a wide range of file formats, including PSD, PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF. It can also export files in CTP (Clip Studio Paint) format for compatibility with other software.

Can I use Clip Studio Paint on both Windows and Mac?

Yes, Clip Studio Paint is available for both Windows and macOS operating systems. The software has a native interface on each platform, offering the same features and functionality on either system.

Does Clip Studio Paint have an active community of users?

Yes, Clip Studio Paint has a large and active community of users who share their work, provide feedback, and contribute to tutorials and resources. The official website also hosts a forum where users can connect with each other.

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