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Odkrije slabe točke in okrepi varnost vašega programa z uporabo podiplomskih sredstev od HackerOne-ja, kar omogoči programiranim izkušencem odkriti in popraviti napake preden jih hackerji izkoriščajo.


Mnenja in ocene HackerOne

Zbrali smo vse podatke, da vam tega ni treba, zaradi česar so odločitve preproste in vam prihranijo čas in denar.

4.4 (72)





Vrednost za denar


Enostavnost uporabe




Poiščite funkcije, ki so ključne za sprejemanje odločitev

Poiščite specifično funkcijo, ki bi morala platforma ustrezati vaši organizaciji.

Nam lahko ta izdelek pomaga pri Realni Casovni Podatki?

Nam lahko ta izdelek pomaga pri Preiskovanje odkritosti?

Nam lahko ta izdelek pomaga pri Poročanje/Ogledi?

Nam lahko ta izdelek pomaga pri Oznakovale inteligenco?

HackerOne cenovni načrti

Ugotovite, kateri cenovni načrt vam najbolj ustreza.


For individuals and small teams (< 5 users)



For growing teams (5-20 users)



For large teams (> 20 users) or enterprises


Ocene izdelkov HackerOne

Oglejte si platformo znotraj najnovejših videoposnetkov HackerOne.

Kaj preverjene ocene od pričakujejo o

Vpogled strokovnjakov na tem področju o HackerOne iz prve roke.

S. Anderson

I've been blown away by HackerOne's platform - user-friendly interface, robust security features, and incredible community support. Found and fixed numerous vulnerabilities in our system using their tools and expertise, highly recommend for any business!

S. Harris

I've been blown away by HackerOne's user-friendly interface and robust features, making it an absolute game-changer for bug bounty hunters and security teams alike - incredibly impressed with its seamless experience and high-quality results!

R. Harrison

HackerOne's platform is incredibly user-friendly and efficient, allowing me to manage bug bounty programs with ease. The intuitive interface and seamless integration with clients make it a game-changer for security teams and companies alike. Highly recommend!

K. Scott

I've thoroughly enjoyed using HackerOne's platform to discover and address security vulnerabilities in my own applications. The intuitive interface, comprehensive reporting, and supportive community make it an invaluable tool for ensuring the integrity of my software solutions.

C. White

I've had an exceptional experience with HackerOne's platform - seamless bug bounty management, intuitive interface, and top-notch customer support. The team's dedication to security has been impressive, making it a must-have tool for anyone serious about vulnerability management.

E. Torres

I'm extremely disappointed with my experience using HackerOne. The platform's user interface is cluttered and outdated, making it difficult to navigate even for a seasoned bug hunter like myself. The reporting process feels tedious and time-consuming, with unnecessary fields and steps that...

Alternative za HackerOne, ki bi jih lahko upoštevali in primerjali

To so alternative, med katerimi lahko izbirate in jih primerjate, da se najbolje uskladijo z vašimi interesi in strokovnim področjem.

Pogosta vprašanja o HackerOne

Poiščite odgovore na najustreznejše poizvedbe, da se boste lahko takoj odločili.

What is HackerOne?

HackerOne is a bug bounty and vulnerability management platform that allows companies to work with hackers to identify and fix security vulnerabilities.

How does HackerOne's bug bounty program work?

Companies list their software, services, or infrastructure on the HackerOne platform, which then invites hackers to find vulnerabilities. Hackers submit reports of potential vulnerabilities, and companies review and validate them.

What types of vulnerabilities can be reported on HackerOne?

HackerOne accepts reports of all types of security vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), buffer overflow, and more. Hackers can also report issues with application logic or APIs.

How does HackerOne ensure the quality and validity of vulnerability reports?

HackerOne employs a team of experts to review and validate each report submitted by hackers. This ensures that only valid vulnerabilities are reported and prioritized for remediation.

Can I report bugs on my own company's software using HackerOne?

Yes, companies can use HackerOne as a bug bounty platform to proactively identify and fix security vulnerabilities in their own software. This helps them prioritize and focus on the most critical issues.

How does HackerOne's vulnerability management feature work?

HackerOne's vulnerability management feature allows companies to manage and track vulnerabilities discovered by hackers, as well as those found by internal teams or other external sources. This helps prioritize remediation efforts.

Is HackerOne compliant with relevant security standards and regulations?

Yes, HackerOne complies with relevant security standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. The platform ensures that all reported vulnerabilities are handled in accordance with these requirements.

How can I get started with using HackerOne for my company?

You can sign up for a free trial on the HackerOne website to get started. You'll be able to explore the platform and set up your first bug bounty program or vulnerability management project.

Pozdravljeni, kaj potrebujete?

Potrebujemo zanesljivo programsko opremo za upravljanje projektov za 50 za manj kot 10 $ na uporabnika ...

Platforma za revizijo z integriranim učenjem in upravljanjem zalog...

Potrebujem programsko opremo zobozdravstvene klinike za upravljanje, rezervacije in plačila ...

Priporočite mi klepetalnega robota za našo podporo...

Naš napredni algoritem bo našel najboljšo rešitev za vaše potrebe in namesto vas izločil vse neumnosti in trženjsko brnenje