Znižajte strokovno uporabnost gradbenih operacij z vseskozi rešitev Jonasa za gradbena proračunsko orodje, ki vsebuje programiranje projekta, ocenjevanje, financiranje in orodja HR za povečanje učinkovitosti in dobička.
Zbrali smo vse podatke, da vam tega ni treba, zaradi česar so odločitve preproste in vam prihranijo čas in denar.
Poiščite specifično funkcijo, ki bi morala platforma ustrezati vaši organizaciji.
Découvrez quel plan tarifaire vous convient le mieux.
For small construction companies (< $5M in revenue)
For growing construction businesses ($5-20M in revenue)
For established construction companies (> $20M in revenue)
For large, complex construction organizations
Aperçus de première main par des experts du domaine sur Jonas Construction Software.
To so alternative, med katerimi lahko izbirate in jih primerjate, da se najbolje uskladijo z vašimi interesi in strokovnim področjem.
Poiščite odgovore na najustreznejše poizvedbe, da se boste lahko takoj odločili.
Jonas Construction Software is a comprehensive construction management software designed to help contractors streamline their operations, manage projects, and improve profitability.
Yes, Jonas Construction Software is a cloud-based solution that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, using a web browser or mobile app.
Yes, Jonas Construction Software has integrations with popular accounting software like QuickBooks and Xero, as well as other construction-specific tools.
Jonas offers a range of support options, including online training, phone support, and on-site implementation services to ensure a smooth transition to the software.
Jonas Construction Software has been serving the construction industry for over 30 years, providing reliable and feature-rich solutions to contractors of all sizes.
Naš napredni algoritem bo našel najboljšo rešitev za vaše potrebe in namesto vas izločil vse neumnosti in trženjsko brnenje