Разблокируйте данные-ориентированные洞ения с помощью К2Вью Фабрик, единой ткани данных, соединяющей, преобразующей и обогащающей разнородные источники данных для аналитики в реальном времени и архитектуры готовые к работе со штучной интеллектией.
Zbrali smo vse podatke, da vam tega ni treba, zaradi česar so odločitve preproste in vam prihranijo čas in denar.
Poiščite specifično funkcijo, ki bi morala platforma ustrezati vaši organizaciji.
Узнайте, какой тарифный план вам подходит лучше всего.
Free for development purposes.
Ideal for small businesses with less than 100 users.
Suitable for growing businesses with up to 1,000 users.
Designed for large enterprises with over 1,000 users.
Мнения отраслевых экспертов о K2View Fabric из первых рук.
To so alternative, med katerimi lahko izbirate in jih primerjate, da se najbolje uskladijo z vašimi interesi in strokovnim področjem.
Poiščite odgovore na najustreznejše poizvedbe, da se boste lahko takoj odločili.
K2View Fabric is a real-time data integration and analytics platform that enables businesses to harness the power of their data, unify disparate sources, and derive business insights.
Yes, K2View Fabric can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud (public or private). This flexibility allows businesses to choose the deployment model that best suits their needs.
K2View Fabric supports a wide range of data types, including structured and unstructured data from various sources such as databases, files, APIs, and more.
Yes, K2View Fabric has built-in connectors for popular systems such as CRM, ERP, and data warehouses. You can also create custom integrations using our APIs.
K2View Fabric provides advanced analytics capabilities, including real-time reporting, dashboards, and machine learning-driven insights that help businesses make data-driven decisions.
Yes, K2View Fabric is designed to scale horizontally, allowing you to add more nodes as your business grows. This ensures that your analytics platform remains responsive and performs optimally.
K2View Fabric includes robust security features such as data encryption, access control, and audit logging to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your sensitive data.
Yes, you can deploy K2View Fabric on-premises using our appliance-based solution. This provides an additional layer of security and control over your data.
Yes, K2View Fabric has pre-built integrations with leading Business Intelligence (BI) tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and more. This enables seamless visualizations and reporting.
K2View Fabric provides a robust framework for data governance and compliance, including features like data lineage, metadata management, and auditing capabilities to ensure that your data meets regulatory requirements.
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