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Automatizirajte ročno preskušanje s platformo Testsige, ki je opremljena z AI-informatiko, tako da zagotovite izboljšano procesorjev preskusk. Lahko tudi znižate strošek prek razumno automatizacije testiranja za spletna in mobilna aplikacija.


Testsigma의 리뷰와 평가

Zbrali smo vse podatke, da vam tega ni treba, zaradi česar so odločitve preproste in vam prihranijo čas in denar.

4.3 (61)





가격 대비 가치


사용 편의성




Poiščite funkcije, ki so ključne za sprejemanje odločitev

Poiščite specifično funkcijo, ki bi morala platforma ustrezati vaši organizaciji.

이 제품이 도움이 될 수 있나요? Третьесторонние интеграции?

이 제품이 도움이 될 수 있나요? Оценка рисков?

Testsigma 가격 계획

어떤 가격 계획이 당신에게 가장 적합한지 알아보세요.


1 user, 100 test cases



5 users, 500 test cases



10 users, unlimited test cases, priority support


Testsigma 제품 리뷰

최신 Testsigma 비디오에서 플랫폼을 확인하세요.

expects의 검증된 리뷰가
Testsigma에 대해 말하는 것

현장 전문가의 통찰력 Testsigma을 직접 사용해 보세요.

J. Anderson

I'm thoroughly impressed with Testsigma's intuitive UI and robust automation capabilities - it streamlined our testing process, significantly reducing time-to-market while maintaining high test coverage and accuracy, a true game-changer for our QA team.

B. Campbell

Disappointing experience with Testsigma. Expected a seamless testing workflow, but encountered frequent crashes and bugs, wasting valuable time. The interface was cluttered and navigation was tedious, failing to meet my project's complex requirements.

E. Allen

I was thoroughly unimpressed with Testsigma's performance. The automation process was clunky and time-consuming, the UI was confusing, and the customer support was non-existent when I encountered issues. Not worth the investment in my opinion.

P. Miller

I was thoroughly disappointed with Testsigma's automation capabilities, which failed to execute even the simplest test scripts. The interface was cluttered and confusing, making it difficult to navigate and configure settings. Their customer support was also unresponsive and unhelpful when...

T. Young

Disappointing experience with Testsigma. Automated testing was unreliable and often failed to catch critical bugs due to poor AI-powered analysis. Integration with JIRA was clunky, wasting valuable development time. Customer support was unhelpful in resolving issues. Not recommended for se...

Testsigma은 이러한 주요 산업에 가장 적합합니다.


Программное обеспечение отрасли гостеприимства для управления имуществом, услуг по обслуживанию гостей и операций бронирования. Развитые решения для управления бронированием, управлением объектами и улучшению опыта гостей. Основные инструменты для обеспечения гладкого и приветливого предоставления услуг гостеприимства.

Сельское хозяйство

Программное обеспечение для сельскохозяйной промышленности на предмет управления посевами, отслеживания скота и функционирования цепочки поставок. Расширенные решения для мониторинга роста, управления ресурсами и обеспечения устойчивости. Основные инструменты для эффективных и продуктивных сельскохозяйственных практик.


Программное обеспечение автомобильной промышленности для проектирования, планирования производства и контроля качества. Развитые решения для разработки моделей транспортных средств, управления производственными процессами и обеспечения стандартов безопасности. Основные инструменты для точного и надежного автомобильного производства.

고려하고 비교할 수 있는 Testsigma의 대안

To so alternative, med katerimi lahko izbirate in jih primerjate, da se najbolje uskladijo z vašimi interesi in strokovnim področjem.

Testsigma에 대한 자주 묻는 질문

Poiščite odgovore na najustreznejše poizvedbe, da se boste lahko takoj odločili.

What is Testsigma?

Testsigma is an AI-powered test automation platform that helps you write and execute automated tests more efficiently.

How does Testsigma work?

Testsigma uses a combination of machine learning algorithms and human expertise to generate automated test scripts, reducing the need for manual coding.

What are the benefits of using Testsigma?

The benefits of using Testsigma include reduced test maintenance effort, increased test coverage, and faster time-to-market.

Can I integrate Testsigma with my existing CI/CD pipeline?

Yes, Testsigma supports integration with popular CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI.

Is Testsigma compatible with all programming languages?

Testsigma currently supports Java, Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, but new language integrations are being added regularly.

How secure is my data in Testsigma?

Testsigma takes data security seriously and follows industry best practices for encryption, access control, and data backup.

Can I get a demo or trial version of Testsigma?

Yes, we offer a free trial version of Testsigma that allows you to try out the platform's features without committing to a purchase.

What kind of support does Testsigma offer?

Testsigma offers 24/7 email and chat support, as well as online documentation and community forums for help and resources.

Can I customize the tests generated by Testsigma?

Yes, while Testsigma's AI engine generates automated test scripts based on your app's functionality, you can also manually edit or add to these scripts if needed.

How do I get started with Testsigma?

Getting started with Testsigma is easy - simply sign up for a free trial, create an account, and follow the onboarding process to start generating automated tests.

Pozdravljeni, kaj potrebujete?

Potrebujemo zanesljivo programsko opremo za upravljanje projektov za 50 za manj kot 10 $ na uporabnika ...

Platforma za revizijo z integriranim učenjem in upravljanjem zalog...

Potrebujem programsko opremo zobozdravstvene klinike za upravljanje, rezervacije in plačila ...

Priporočite mi klepetalnega robota za našo podporo...

Naš napredni algoritem bo našel najboljšo rešitev za vaše potrebe in namesto vas izločil vse neumnosti in trženjsko brnenje