Mit Zego vereinfachen Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse mit einer benutzerfreundlichen Unternehmensmanagementplattform, die Aufgaben automatisiert, Zusammenarbeit verbessert und Produktivität in einem intuitiven Arbeitsbereich erhöht.
Zbrali smo vse podatke, da vam tega ni treba, zaradi česar so odločitve preproste in vam prihranijo čas in denar.
Poiščite specifično funkcijo, ki bi morala platforma ustrezati vaši organizaciji.
Ugotovite, kateri cenovni načrt vam najbolj ustreza.
Free plan with limited features.
Premium plan with additional features.
Business plan with advanced features and higher limits.
Oglejte si platformo znotraj najnovejših videoposnetkov Zego.
Vpogled strokovnjakov na tem področju o Zego iz prve roke.
To so alternative, med katerimi lahko izbirate in jih primerjate, da se najbolje uskladijo z vašimi interesi in strokovnim področjem.
Poiščite odgovore na najustreznejše poizvedbe, da se boste lahko takoj odločili.
Zego is a video-first live streaming platform that enables developers to build high-quality, scalable, and customizable live streaming features into their applications.
The key benefits of using Zego include high-quality video, low latency, scalability, customization options, and a robust API for developers to build upon.
Yes, Zego is fully compatible with both iOS and Android devices, ensuring seamless live streaming experiences across all platforms.
Yes, Zego offers a range of customization options for the player, including skinning, branding, and localization support.
Zego is ideal for various types of live streaming events, such as sports, concerts, e-sports, conferences, meetups, and more.
Integrating Zego into your app involves adding the Zego SDK to your codebase and following their documentation for implementation.
Zego provides comprehensive developer support through documentation, forums, and a dedicated developer community for troubleshooting and feedback.
Yes, Zego prioritizes data security with robust encryption, SSL/TLS protection, and compliance with industry standards to ensure user data is safeguarded.
Yes, you can request a demo or trial account from Zego directly, which will allow you to test their features and capabilities firsthand.
Naš napredni algoritem bo našel najboljšo rešitev za vaše potrebe in namesto vas izločil vse neumnosti in trženjsko brnenje