Ограничавайте сигурността и цялостта на данните с CleanCloud, обхватна система за резервно копиране и възстановяване, която защитава облак storage Ви от съвременни заплахи и нефункциониращи хардури.
Vi har samlat all data så att du inte behöver göra det, gör besluten enkla och sparar tid och pengar.
Hitta en specifik funktion som plattformen bör ha för att passa bra för din organisation.
Разберете кой ценови план е най-подходящ за вас.
$9.99/seat/month (billed annually) - Limited to 5 users
$19.99/seat/month (billed annually)
$29.99/seat/month (billed annually) - Unlimited users and custom branding
Вижте платформата от най-новите видеоклипове на CleanCloud.
Прозрения от полеви експерти за CleanCloud от първа ръка.
Det här är alternativ som du kan välja mellan och jämföra för att bäst passa dina intressen och din expertis.
Hitta svar på de mest relevanta frågorna för att kunna fatta beslut direkt.
CleanCloud is a cloud-based project management and collaboration tool designed for teams to work together efficiently.
You can sign up for a CleanCloud account by visiting our website and filling out the registration form. Simply click on 'Sign Up' and follow the prompts.
Yes, CleanCloud supports integrations with popular tools like Google Drive, Slack, and Trello, among others. Check our documentation for more information on integrations.
Once you're logged in to your account, navigate to the 'Projects' tab to view all your active and completed projects. You can also use the search bar to quickly find specific projects.
Yes, CleanCloud prioritizes data security and uses industry-standard encryption protocols to protect user data. Our servers are located in secure facilities with 24/7 monitoring and backup systems in place.
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