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Nästaivas programvara förenklar företagskommunikation med avancerade verktyg för obesvärlig telefon, messaging och videokonferens, som driver effektivitet och tillväxt för moderna team.

Reviews and Ratings of Nextiva

We’ve gathered all the data so you don’t have to, making decisions simple and saving you time and money.

4.6 (8,408)





Value for Money


Ease of Use




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Nextiva Pricing Plans

Find out which pricing plan is the best fit for you.

NextOS - Essential

The perfect solution for small businesses. Get up to 3 extensions and 300 minutes of free talk time.


NextOS - Pro

Upgrade your business with a professional phone system. Get unlimited extensions and 1,500 minutes of free talk time.


NextOS - Premier

Unleash the full potential of Nextiva with advanced features like custom on-hold music and priority customer support.


Nextiva Product Reviews

See the platform from within the latest Nextiva videos.

What verified reviews from expects say about

Insights from field experts about Nextiva from first hand.

L. Brown

I've been using Nextiva for my business phone needs and it's exceeded my expectations. The user interface is intuitive, features like voicemail transcription and auto attendant are game-changers, and their customer support has been top-notch. Highly recommended.

G. Lewis

I've had an exceptional experience with Nextiva's all-in-one communication platform. The intuitive interface and seamless integration of features such as VoIP, messaging, and video conferencing have streamlined our team's workflows significantly. Their customer support is also top-notch, p...

L. Evans

I've been using Nextiva for my business and I'm thoroughly impressed with its user-friendly interface, seamless call routing, and robust feature set - it's taken my customer experience to the next level!

J. Scott

I've had the pleasure of using Nextiva for my business's communication needs and I must say it's been a game-changer. The software is incredibly user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those who aren't tech-savvy like myself. Setting up and managing our phone system was a breeze, and ...

T. Taylor

I've had the pleasure of using Nextiva for my business communications and I must say it's been a game-changer. The user interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and set up features such as auto-attendants and voicemail transcription. The call quality is crisp and clear,...

R. Brown

Nextiva's user-friendly interface and seamless integration with our CRM saved us time and increased efficiency, allowing us to focus on providing exceptional customer experiences and drive business growth effectively.

S. Allen

I've had an incredible experience with Nextiva's all-in-one communication platform. The user-friendly interface and seamless integration of features like VoIP, messaging, and video conferencing have streamlined our team's workflow. Their exceptional customer support has been a game-changer...

Nextiva is best fit for these top industries


Πακέτα λογισμικού για την βιομηχανία της διαμονής, για τη διαχείριση ιδιοκτησιών, τις υπηρεσίες φιλοξενίας και τις επιχειρήσεις μεροκάματα. Αφετηρία λύσεων για την προστασία των εγγράφων, την παρακολούθηση των εγκαταστάσεων και την βελτίωση της εμπειρίας των επισκεπτών. Κλειδιά εργαλείων για την παροχή διαμονών που γίνονται πιο άνετες και φιλόξενες.


Πακέτα λογισμικού για διαχείριση εργασιών, υπεύθυνες διαχειριστική και επικοινωνία. Μεγαλυτερα λυσεις για την οργανωση ρευστων, την παρακολούθηση προόδου, και τη βελτίωση αποδοτικότητας. Κλειστα εργαλεια για την εξασφάλιση ομαλής και αποδοτικής διαχειριστικών λειτουργιών.


Γεωργική βιομηχανική λογισμικό για τη διαχείριση των καλλιεργειών, την καταγραφή της βοολογίας και τις λειτουργίες του αμυντικού κλάδου. Προχωρημένα λύσεις για τον εποπτέα έλεγχο της ανάπτυξης, τη διαχείριση των πόρων και την εξασφάλιση της βιωσιμότητας. Κλειδιά εργαλείων για τα αποτελεσματικά και παραγωγικά καλλιεργητικές πρακτικές.

Alternatives to Nextiva you might consider and compare

These are alternatives that you can choose from and compare to best align with your interests and filed of expertise.

Frequently asked questions about Nextiva

Find answers to the most relevant queries to be able to make decisions right away.

What is Nextiva?

Nextiva is a cloud-based business phone system that provides advanced features and integrations to help businesses communicate more effectively.

Do I need any special hardware or equipment to use Nextiva?

No, you don't need any special hardware or equipment to get started with Nextiva. Our cloud-based system can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.

Can I integrate Nextiva with my existing CRM or marketing software?

Yes, Nextiva integrates seamlessly with a wide range of popular business applications, including Salesforce, HubSpot, and more.

How do I set up a new phone number or extension in Nextiva?

You can easily add new phone numbers or extensions to your Nextiva account through the online dashboard or by contacting our customer support team.

Is my data safe with Nextiva?

Yes, we take data security very seriously and have implemented robust measures to protect your sensitive information. Nextiva is compliant with major industry standards, including HIPAA and GDPR.

Can I use Nextiva on-the-go?

Absolutely! Our mobile app allows you to make and receive calls, access voicemail, and manage extensions from anywhere, at any time.

How much does Nextiva cost?

Our pricing is transparent and affordable. You can get a custom quote based on your specific business needs by contacting our sales team.

What kind of support does Nextiva offer?

We have a dedicated customer support team available 24/7 to help with any questions or issues you may have. We also offer online resources, tutorials, and knowledge base articles for self-service support.

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