Zjistěte bezpečnostní prohlížení s Torem, Vaším vchodem do on-line anonymity. Zachyťte svou soukromost, zašifrujte vaše připojení a prohlížejte se svobodně bez omezení - váš digitální svoboda začíná zde.
Vi har samlet alle data, så du ikke behøver det, gør beslutninger enkle og sparer dig tid og penge.
Find en specifik funktion, som platformen skal have for at passe godt til din organisation.
Basic anonymity and security features
Includes Tor Browser, Vidalia Controller, and other essential tools
Tor Browser に関する現場の専門家の直接の洞察。
Dette er alternativer, som du kan vælge imellem og sammenligne for bedst muligt at tilpasse sig dine interesser og ekspertise.
Find svar på de mest relevante forespørgsler for at kunne træffe beslutninger med det samme.
Tor Browser is a web browser that anonymizes your online activity by routing it through a network of relays run by volunteers around the world.
Yes, Tor Browser is designed with security and anonymity in mind. It uses encryption and the onion routing protocol to protect your identity and online activity.
Yes, Tor Browser is completely free to download and use. It's available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
Tor Browser protects your identity by encrypting your internet traffic and routing it through multiple relays on the Tor network. This makes it difficult for anyone to track your online activity back to you.
Yes, Tor Browser can be used alongside other web browsers on your computer. You can access the regular internet through one browser and the anonymous internet through Tor Browser.
Tor Browser may be slightly slower than other web browsers due to the time it takes for data to travel through the relay network. However, this speed impact is usually minimal and only noticeable on slow connections or with high-bandwidth activities.
Yes, Tor Browser itself is completely legal and has been used by millions of people around the world for anonymous browsing. However, be aware that some online activities may be restricted or prohibited in your jurisdiction, even when using a secure browser like Tor.
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