Talview алтернативи

Свежай на рекрутния процес с платформата за видео интервюта Talview, осветена от АИ, което автоматизира оценката на кандидатите и намалява времето за приключване на работен договор.

Alternative Products


Proctored online exams made easy with Proctorio's AI-powered platform, ensuring academic integrity and reducing cheating with real-time monitoring and advanced detection tools.

Обща оценка 4.2 (55 Отзиви)

Производителност: 11%

ROI: 14%

AI icon

Категории: 2

AI icon

Характеристики: 18

Doctor Proctor

Unlock student potential with Doctor Proctor's AI-powered learning platform. Personalized assessments, real-time feedback, and data-driven insights for educators and students alike.

Обща оценка 1.3 (698 Отзиви)

Производителност: 3%

ROI: 2%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 4

Constructor Proctor

Streamline construction quality control with Constructor Proctor's advanced software, ensuring accurate mix designs, optimized testing protocols, and data-driven decision making for improved project outcomes.

Обща оценка 3.6 (974 Отзиви)

Производителност: 5%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 9


Streamline your team's collaboration with Synap, a cutting-edge platform that fosters seamless communication, task management, and knowledge sharing in one intuitive workspace.

Обща оценка 4.6 (47 Отзиви)

Производителност: 4%

ROI: 2%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 7

GetCertified logo


Transform your skills and career with GetCertified's innovative software. Access comprehensive courses, assessments, and certifications to boost your professional growth and outshine in the competitive job market.

Обща оценка 4.2 (216 Отзиви)

Производителност: 8%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 9


Unlock business potential with Dugga's AI-powered sales forecasting and pipeline management tool, streamlining revenue growth and optimizing sales performance for forward-thinking organizations.

Обща оценка 3.5 (108 Отзиви)

Производителност: 2%

ROI: 5%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 11


TestWe is a user testing platform that provides fast and accurate feedback on digital products, helping businesses validate ideas and improve user experience.

Обща оценка 3.8 (350 Отзиви)

Производителност: 6%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 8


Revolutionize your art education with Evalart's intuitive digital platform. Streamline grading, track student progress, and foster creativity in a collaborative online environment.

Обща оценка 4.7 (39,680 Отзиви)

Производителност: 3%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 9


Streamline assessment and grading with DigiExam's cloud-based platform, offering digital exams, quizzes, and assignments for educators to create, manage, and evaluate student performance.

Обща оценка 4.3 (25 Отзиви)

Производителност: 2%

ROI: 5%

AI icon

Категории: 1

AI icon

Характеристики: 8

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