Digemy 대안

팀의 잠재력을 깨우쳐 Digemy와 함께, 모든 것을 갖춘 학습 플랫폼이 직원 onboard, 훈련 및 참여를 간소화하고 상호 작용 경험과 데이터 주도된 통찰을 통해.

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Travitor Pro logo

Travitor Pro

Travitor Pro streamlines travel management with AI-powered itinerary planning, personalized recommendations, and real-time tracking. Enhance employee satisfaction and reduce costs through a user-friendly platform.

전체 평가 4.4 (62 리뷰)

생산성: 12%

ROI: 7%

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카테고리: 1

AI icon

기능: 13


Userlane is a digital adoption platform that simplifies employee onboarding, training, and support with interactive step-by-step guides and in-app messaging.

전체 평가 4.6 (130 리뷰)

생산성: 3%

ROI: 6%

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카테고리: 1

AI icon

기능: 10


Unlock data-driven insights with MeltingSpot's powerful analytics platform. Seamlessly integrate, analyze, and visualize complex data to drive business growth and inform strategic decisions.

전체 평가 4.3 (85 리뷰)

생산성: 4%

ROI: 3%

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카테고리: 1

AI icon

기능: 15

FollowUp Power

Elevate your sales game with FollowUp Power, a powerful CRM system that automates follow-ups, tracks interactions, and boosts conversions for businesses of all sizes.

전체 평가 4.5 (287 리뷰)

생산성: 18%

ROI: 11%

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카테고리: 1

AI icon

기능: 16


Unlock business growth with Moovila's intuitive sales enablement platform, streamlining content creation, customer engagement, and performance analytics for data-driven decision making.

전체 평가 4.7 (70 리뷰)

생산성: 2%

ROI: 13%

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카테고리: 1

AI icon

기능: 14


Maximize sales with SmartKarrot's AI-driven retail optimization platform, streamlining inventory management, pricing, and promotions to drive revenue growth and customer satisfaction.

전체 평가 4.4 (71 리뷰)

생산성: 2%

ROI: 5%

AI icon

카테고리: 1

AI icon

기능: 11

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