MySQL 대안

신뢰할 수 있는, 확장 가능한 및 고성능 오픈 소스 관계형 데이터베이스 소프트웨어로서, 온 프레미스 및 클라우드 환경을 통해 관리해야 하는 임의의 중요한 데이터를 관리하기 위해.

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Empower your team with a no-code platform to build custom databases, web applications, and workflows in minutes, not months. Increase productivity and reduce costs.

전체 평가 4.4 (366 리뷰)

생산성: 29%

ROI: 2%

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카테고리: 3

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기능: 31


Maximize vulnerability assessment with Nessus, a leading security scanner that rapidly identifies weaknesses across diverse IT environments.

전체 평가 4.5 (379 리뷰)

생산성: 22%

ROI: 15%

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카테고리: 3

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기능: 26

Folder Lock

Encrypt your sensitive files with Folder Lock for ultimate data security. Easy-to-use encryption keeps your information safe from unauthorized access.

전체 평가 3.0 (33 리뷰)

생산성: 7%

ROI: 11%

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카테고리: 3

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기능: 23

SQL Server

SQL Server: Your leading choice for high-performance, scalable, and secure database solutions to drive your business forward.

전체 평가 4.5 (4,213 리뷰)

생산성: 35%

ROI: 6%

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카테고리: 3

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기능: 36


Boost efficiency and productivity with Suralink’s innovative software solutions. Streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and drive business success today.

전체 평가 4.7 (478 리뷰)

생산성: 17%

ROI: 1%

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카테고리: 2

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기능: 22


Reliable, open-source database management system that supports various data types and offers robust security features for large-scale enterprise applications.

전체 평가 4.5 (1,052 리뷰)

생산성: 3%

ROI: 5%

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카테고리: 2

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기능: 17


Unlock secure remote access to your applications with GoodAccess, a zero-trust network access solution that provides seamless connectivity while protecting your business from cyber threats.

전체 평가 4.8 (244 리뷰)

생산성: 17%

ROI: 9%

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카테고리: 2

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기능: 19


Transform your business with IBM Db2, a powerful relational database management system that delivers high performance, scalability, and security for complex data-driven applications.

전체 평가 4.4 (1,251 리뷰)

생산성: 18%

ROI: 20%

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카테고리: 2

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기능: 22


MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, and reliable database platform offering flexibility for diverse applications.

전체 평가 4.6 (996 리뷰)

생산성: 5%

ROI: 11%

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카테고리: 2

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기능: 20

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