SQL Server 대안

SQL 서버 : 당신의 비즈니스 전진을 이끄는 고성능, 확장가능하고 보안된 데이터베이스 솔루션으로서의 선도적인 선택입니다.

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MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, and reliable database platform offering flexibility for diverse applications.

전체 평가 4.6 (996 리뷰)

생산성: 5%

ROI: 11%

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카테고리: 2

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Maximize database performance with MariaDB, an open-source relational database management system that offers high scalability, reliability, and speed for business applications.

전체 평가 4.5 (295 리뷰)

생산성: 20%

ROI: 11%

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Transform your business with IBM Db2, a powerful relational database management system that delivers high performance, scalability, and security for complex data-driven applications.

전체 평가 4.4 (1,251 리뷰)

생산성: 18%

ROI: 20%

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카테고리: 2

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Reliable, open-source database management system that supports various data types and offers robust security features for large-scale enterprise applications.

전체 평가 4.5 (1,052 리뷰)

생산성: 3%

ROI: 5%

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카테고리: 2

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기능: 17


Streamline your work management with MyTaskHelper's intuitive platform, designed to boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and simplify task assignments for teams of all sizes.

전체 평가 4.8 (238 리뷰)

생산성: 2%

ROI: 8%

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카테고리: 1

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Lightweight, serverless database that allows users to create, manage and manipulate databases using a SQL-like interface for personal or organizational projects and applications.

전체 평가 4.3 (376 리뷰)

생산성: 10%

ROI: 3%

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카테고리: 1

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Powerful database client for Oracle, DB2, Informix, MySQL, SQL Server, Sybase, PostgreSQL, and others. Graphical query builder, data editor, and debugger.

전체 평가 4.7 (333 리뷰)

생산성: 5%

ROI: 4%

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카테고리: 1

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기능: 9

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