HiMama Preschool Child Care App Alternatívy

Lahko riadite centrály výchovy detí s aplikáciou HiMama pre predškolské zložky. Revidujte prítomnosť, sledujte vývoj, komunikujte s rodičmi a zjednodušte dennú činnosť v jednej používateľsky priateľskej platforme.

Alternative Products


Streamline early childhood education with Brightwheel's comprehensive platform for communication, daily reporting, and parent engagement, simplifying teacher workflows and enhancing student outcomes.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.5 (3,669 Reviews)

Productivity: 20%

ROI: 20%

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kategórie: 3

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Funkcie: 34

Procare Child Care Management

Streamline childcare management with Procare's all-in-one solution. Automate admissions, attendance, billing, and communication to simplify daily operations and improve parent engagement in a user-friendly interface.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.6 (2,798 Reviews)

Productivity: 17%

ROI: 10%

AI icon

kategórie: 2

AI icon

Funkcie: 27

Kid Kare logo

Kid Kare

Manage childcare centers efficiently with Kid Kare's comprehensive software solution, streamlining operations, increasing productivity, and enhancing parent engagement through a user-friendly interface.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.4 (149 Reviews)

Productivity: 5%

ROI: 8%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

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Funkcie: 8


Streamline early childhood education with StoryPark's intuitive platform for parents to engage with teachers, view progress updates, and share moments, enhancing child development.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.6 (345 Reviews)

Productivity: 4%

ROI: 1%

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kategórie: 1

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Funkcie: 9

Daily Connect

Boost team collaboration with Daily Connect's intuitive platform, streamlining communication, task management, and file sharing for enhanced productivity and seamless work experiences.

Celkové hodnotenie 2.3 (982 Reviews)

Productivity: 9%

ROI: 3%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 9

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