Precoro Alternatívy

Priamoťte nákupné procesy pomocou intuitívneho platformu Precora, automatizujúce sledovanie výdajov, odporúčacie práce a správu dodávateľov za účelom maximalizácii efektívnosti a minimalizácii nákladov.

Alternative Products

Order Software

Streamline your business operations with our user-friendly Order Software. Automate order management, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction with a seamless ordering experience.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.4 (161 Reviews)

Productivity: 4%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 8


Apriori's cost management platform optimizes business profitability by analyzing complex data to provide actionable insights, enabling companies to make informed decisions.

Celkové hodnotenie 3.8 (128 Reviews)

Productivity: 3%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 12

Market Dojo

Market Dojo is a cloud-based e-sourcing platform that streamlines procurement processes through automated auctions, RFPs, and RFIs, enabling businesses to save time and reduce costs.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.7 (100 Reviews)

Productivity: 4%

ROI: 8%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 9


IntegrityNext offers a comprehensive platform for employee monitoring and management, providing insights to enhance workplace productivity, security, and compliance through advanced software solutions.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.3 (56 Reviews)

Productivity: 13%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 13

UMA Vision

UMA Vision is an innovative software solution that streamlines business operations, enhancing productivity and efficiency through automation and data-driven insights.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.9 (66,573 Reviews)

Productivity: 5%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 14

Building Engines

Transform your operations with Building Engines' all-in-one construction management software, streamlining workflows, enhancing collaboration, and driving business growth through data-driven insights.

Celkové hodnotenie 4.4 (290 Reviews)

Productivity: 11%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

kategórie: 1

AI icon

Funkcie: 15

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Potrebujeme spoľahlivý softvér na riadenie projektov za 50 za menej ako 10 $ na používateľa...

Platforma auditu s integrovaným učením a správou zásob...

Potrebujem softvér zubnej ambulancie na spracovanie, rezervácie a platby...

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