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Email Security cloud alternative

Zavarujte vaša pošta s našim oblakovskim Email varnostnim programom, ki ponuja napredno zaščito proti phishingu, spamu in malware-ju. Lekerno nastavitev z avtomatizirano opazovanjem nevarnosti zagotavlja varnost in skladnost vašega poštne komuniciranja.

Alternative Products

ESET Endpoint Security logo

ESET Endpoint Security

Elevate your endpoint protection with ESET's robust antivirus solution. Advanced threat detection meets lightweight performance for ultimate security, trusted by businesses and home users alike.

Skupna ocena 4.2 (11,266 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 11%

ROI: 15%

AI icon

Kategorije: 17

AI icon

Funkcije: 101

Cloudflare logo


Boost your website's performance and security with Cloudflare - accelerate content delivery, protect against threats, and enhance your online presence seamlessly.

Skupna ocena 3.2 (1,868 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 66%

ROI: 52%

AI icon

Kategorije: 12

AI icon

Funkcije: 97


Effective anti-spam solution powered by advanced machine learning, ensuring your email server remains secure and clutter-free with high accuracy detection.

Skupna ocena 4.1 (947 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 36%

ROI: 42%

AI icon

Kategorije: 7

AI icon

Funkcije: 47


SendGrid is a cloud-based email marketing platform that helps businesses automate and optimize their email campaigns with advanced analytics and deliverability tools.

Skupna ocena 3.0 (1,239 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 26%

ROI: 3%

AI icon

Kategorije: 5

AI icon

Funkcije: 35


Enhance your website security with GeeTest's advanced CAPTCHA solution. Protect against bots while ensuring seamless user experiences.

Skupna ocena 4.8 (81 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 8%

ROI: 17%

AI icon

Kategorije: 4

AI icon

Funkcije: 25

eM Client

eM Client is a feature-rich email client that offers calendar integration, contact management, and task management in one user-friendly interface with cross-platform compatibility.

Skupna ocena 4.2 (8,203 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 12%

ROI: 20%

AI icon

Kategorije: 3

AI icon

Funkcije: 24


Empower your sales team with automation, streamline processes, and unlock revenue growth with Selzy's intuitive CRM and pipeline management software for businesses.

Skupna ocena 4.6 (163 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 5%

ROI: 8%

AI icon

Kategorije: 3

AI icon

Funkcije: 27


Empowering organizations to detect and respond to phishing attacks with AI-driven simulation technology, identifying vulnerabilities and educating employees through realistic scenarios.

Skupna ocena 2.6 (657 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 26%

ROI: 14%

AI icon

Kategorije: 3

AI icon

Funkcije: 29

Malwarebytes for Teams

Malwarebytes for Teams delivers advanced threat detection and protection against malicious software, ensuring secure collaboration and seamless integration with existing cybersecurity tools for enhanced real-time monitoring and user-friendly deployment.

Skupna ocena 3.8 (4,302 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 11%

ROI: 7%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 15

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