Folder Lock alternative

Kriptiraj vaše občutljive datoteke z Folder Lockom za največjo varnost podatkov. Lahek uporabniški vmesnik kripte zavaruje vašo informacijo pred neujaznjenim dostopom.

Alternative Products


Secure internet access wherever you go with TunnelBear's user-friendly VPN software, protecting your data with top-tier encryption and safeguarding your online presence.

Skupna ocena 4.5 (499 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 31%

ROI: 39%

AI icon

Kategorije: 4

AI icon

Funkcije: 39

Symantec Endpoint Protection

Protect your business from cyber threats with Symantec Endpoint Protection, a comprehensive antivirus solution that detects and blocks malware, ransomware, and other online dangers in real-time.

Skupna ocena 4.1 (820 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 9%

ROI: 25%

AI icon

Kategorije: 4

AI icon

Funkcije: 30


CrashPlan offers reliable, easy-to-use backup solutions for individuals and businesses. Secure your data with cloud and local backups, ensuring peace of mind.

Skupna ocena 4.1 (749 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 14%

ROI: 7%

AI icon

Kategorije: 4

AI icon

Funkcije: 29

PassPack logo


Passpack is a secure password management solution designed for teams and individuals, offering encrypted storage, easy sharing, and centralized access controls to enhance cybersecurity and streamline workflows. Perfect for businesses and users prioritizing data protection, it simplifies password management while keeping sensitive information safe.

Skupna ocena 5.0 (155 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 17%

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Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 17


Secure password manager with end-to-end encryption, autofill capabilities, and two-factor authentication to protect your sensitive data online.

Skupna ocena 4.5 (225 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 6%

ROI: 2%

AI icon

Kategorije: 1

AI icon

Funkcije: 5

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