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Malwarebytes for Teams alternative

Malwarebytes za ekipe zagotuje napredne varnosti pred grožnjo in zavarovanje proti nadzorovani programom, s čimer zagotavlja varno sodelovanje ter neprekinjeno vključitev že obstoječe varnosti sistemov za boljšo realno časovno spremljanje in pogljiv deployment.

Alternative Products

Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Enhance your Office 365 security with powerful threat detection and protection against malware, phishing, and ransomware in real time.

Skupna ocena 4.1 (508 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 9%

ROI: 8%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 10


ZEROSPAM: Effective anti-spam software ensuring secure communication by eliminating unwanted emails and messages, providing reliable protection against email threats.

Skupna ocena 3.5 (318 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 7%

ROI: 15%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 17


Boost your app development process with AppNomu's cutting-edge tools, designed to streamline workflows and enhance productivity for seamless and innovative software creation.

Skupna ocena 4.6 (157 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 13%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 13


Xeams is a powerful email management solution that enhances security, compliance, and threat detection, providing organizations with robust tools to streamline communications efficiently and securely.

Skupna ocena 4.7 (76 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 7%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 16


Block malicious websites, protect users from cyber threats, and improve internet safety with DNSFilter's cloud-based web filtering solution for businesses of all sizes.

Skupna ocena 4.6 (325 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 14%

ROI: 8%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 18

Beagle Security

Protect your digital assets with Beagle Security's robust threat detection and response solutions, safeguarding businesses from cyber threats and ensuring data integrity.

Skupna ocena 4.8 (139 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 6%

ROI: 13%

AI icon

Kategorije: 2

AI icon

Funkcije: 18

Perch Security

Stay ahead of cyber threats with Perch Security's AI-driven endpoint protection, detecting and responding to attacks in real-time across all endpoints and cloud services.

Skupna ocena 4.9 (527 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 9%

ROI: 1%

AI icon

Kategorije: 1

AI icon

Funkcije: 9

InterScan Messaging Security

Protect your messages from spam, viruses, and malicious content using InterScan Messaging Security’s advanced threat detection and filtering.

Skupna ocena 4.1 (77 Mnenja)

Produktivnost: 6%

ROI: 6%

AI icon

Kategorije: 1

AI icon

Funkcije: 6

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